Malayan Dance Company

Malayan Dance Company

About the club

Malayan Dance Company (MDC) is an acclaimed club organization of Malayan Colleges Mindanao that brings forth and showcases excellence and relevance through sensational skills and talent in the performing arts - dancing. It consists of exceptional students and supportive staff members, and features a diverse ensemble of dances namely streetdance, cheerdance, cultural dance, and many more.

MDC aims to foster the innate potential and talents and the burning passion for dancing through vigorous trainings and active involvement in both inside and outside school events and programs. All the while upholding the school's core values and student integrity.

MDC offers a broad range of benefits including learning new skills and insights, discpline in one's self, sportsmanship, and much more than one can imagine. But more importantly, MDC allows students to freely express themselves, boost their self-esteem, form new bonds, and make the best of their school year and overall youth. 

Malayan Dance Company, a group that promises student development and top-tier school experience. Are you ready Malayans?

Level up your game with MDC!

Come join us at Malayan Dance Company where we beat our limitations and make the impossible possible. Show us your skills and let passion move through your body.

Come and be a part of our legacy!

Malayans we fight, Ready to ignite

Viva Malayans!


